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Generic Attributes of Calc-Elements

There is a set of attributes which can be implemented by all calcmodel elements. The functionality of some generic elements should be implemented but it can happen that is not yet done. Some attributes are optional and therefore only implemented if needed.

Attribute Default Description Optional
name Name of the element No
noise Used to add noise. Yes
noiseAmplitude Amplitude of noise to be added. No
unit Unit in which the attributes should be given. No
debug Set to true, if additional debug info should be printed. No
visible Creates additional data for visualisation. No
coordinateSystem A coordinate system used in several calc model elements. Yes
includes A list of calc group names the element is used for. No
calibrateIncludes A list of calc group names to define the trials used for calibration. No
excludes A list of calc group element names to be excluded. No
calibrateExcludes No
calibrateExcludes No
average false No
meanStd false No
intervalsExtremeValues false No

This is not completed.


This element is used to define a cartesian coordinate system, based on (method)

  1. two given vectors using crossproducts or
  2. rotating a reference coordinate system by given angles about its axes or
  3. a homogeneous 4×4 matrix or
  4. three axes, building a non orthogonal system or
  5. a rotation matrix and position trajectory.

The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element respresenting the orientation matrix.

The attributes of method one works as follow:

The given FirstAxis stays as first axis. The cross product between DefiningVector and the vector defined by FirstAxis defines the second axis. The third axis is defined by the cross product between the first axis and the second axis. This behavoir corresponds to the software BodyBuilder of the company Vicon!

Also calibration can be used to create a coordinate system on a given one.

Be careful: It is not possible to use parameter names in the formula attributes for the rotation and the origin.


Attribute Default Description Required Method
name Name of the element Yes all
isVisible false Flag to define if 3d/4d visualitation of the frame as a tripod is wanted No all
visibleVectorLength 100 If the flag isVisible=„true“ is set, the length of the 3d vectors representing the tripod, shown in the 3d/4d view can be defined. No all
FirstAxis Defines the first axis of the frame. This can be used by the method 1 based on cross products or by the method 4 based on three independend axes to define a non orthogonal system Yes 1, 4
DefiningVector The crossproduct between this vector and FirstAxis defines the second axis. The third axis is defined by the crossproduct between FirstAxis and this second axis. Yes 1
orientation xyz Reihenfolge der Achsen. No 1
Position Origin of the coordinate system defined in coordinates of the global laboratory cartesian system. If this coordinate system is defined by calibration or by rotation of a reference system this attribute is optional and overwrites the origin defined by calibration. Yes 1, 4
Rotation Defines a 3×3 rotation matrix. Its colums defines the three axes of the coordinate system No 5
Pose Defines a homogeneous 4×4 matrix which includes rotation and translation Yes 3
forceRightHanded Wenn das Flag forceRightHanded=„false“ gesetzt wurde, dann wird gegebenenfalls die dritte Achse umgedreht. D.h. bei den Konfigurationen: xzy, zyx und yxz wird die y, die x bzw. die z-Achse umgedreht. Die 3. Achse zeigt damit in etwa entgegengesetzt zu DefiningVector. No 1
SecondAxis No 4
ThirdAxis No 4
coordinateSystem If the attribute coordinatesSystem ist used, this coordinate system is defined by a rotation about the RotAxis by RotAngle of the coordinate system set by the coordinateSystem attribue. If you want to rotate about a axis of the given coordinate system use e.g. <name>_X for a rotation about the x axis. If you want to define the coordinate system by a sequence of two or three rotations use the attribute EulerCardanAngles. (Vielleicht sollte diese Element besser wieder eliminiert werden. Besser alternativ das Element ForwardFrame verwenden.) Yes 2
RotAxis Axis to rotate the three axes of the given coordinate system to determine a new one. Yes 2
RotAngle Angle in degree to rotation the given coordinaten system around the given axis to determine a new coordinate system. Use the right-hand-rule. If the rotation axis show in direction of the thumb of the right hand, the direction of your fingers shows in direction of positive angles. Yes 2
EulerCardanAngles If the attribute coordinatesSystem ist set the coordinate system can be defined by a sequence of three rotations about the axes of this coordinate system. The needed three angles are defined as mathematical formula defining a 3d vector, e.g. „vec(10.0,0.0,0.0) for defining a one step rotation about the first axis. The sequence of the corresponding axes is defined by the attribute orientation. If only one or two rotations are needed you can set the other angles to 0. (Die Syntax in unglücklich, da die Winkel keinen Vektor bilden. Schöner wäre es die Einzelkomponenten mit einzelnen Attributen zu setzen! Vielleicht sollte diese Element besser wieder eliminiert werden. Besser alternativ das Element ForwardFrame verwenden.) No 2
average Additional calculation of the trial average. The value is saved as a parameter with the name of the element and „Average“ as a suffix: <name of the element>Average No all
movingMeanWindowWidth (das ist obsolet, da die Methode der Ableitungsbildung geändert wurde) 0.05 Angegeben wird eine reele Zahl, die in der Regel ein Vielfaches der Schrittbreite ist. Sie gibt die Breite des Zeitintervalls in Sekunden an über das gemittelt wird, wenn Ableitungen bestimmt werden. Wenn movingMeanWindowWidth/2 kein Vielfaches der Schrittbreite ist, wird die nächst kleinere Zahl von Schritte bestimmt! No all
differentiations 0 An integer, which defines how many differentiations of the trajectories are calculated. No all

Generated trajectories

Name Type Description
<name> Matrix3d Representation of the three orthogonal orientation axes of the coordinate system (columns of the matrix)
<name>_X Vector3d first column of the matrix with name <name> Bug: seams not to work! Use x(<name>) instead.
<name>_Y Vector3d second column of the matrix with name <name> Bug: seems not to work! Use y(<name>) instead.
<name>_Z Vector3d third column of the matrix with name <name> Bug: seems not to work! Use z(<name>) instead.
<name>Position Vector3d Origin of the coordinate system, only if it is not defined by a constant expression, e.g. vec(0.0,0.0,0.0).)

Generated calibration parameters

Name Type Description
<name>_XLocal Vector3d
<name>_YLocal Vector3d
<name>_ZLocal Vector3d
<name>_PositionLocal Vector3d


The following example defines a coordinate system „LHumerusHDCalB“ by rotating the coordinate system „LHumerusHDCalA“ around the upright axis about 30 degrees:

<CoordinateSystem name="LHumerusHDCalB"


This element is used to define a cartesian coordinate system in coordinates of a given reference coordinate system.


Attribute Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
referenceCoordinateSystem Defines the the reference coordinate system by its name. Yes
coordinateSystem Defines the coordinate system which is transformed into the reference coordinate system (by its name). Yes

Generated trajectories

Name Type Description
<name> Matrix3d Representation of the three orthogonal orientation axes of the determined local coordinate system (columns of the matrix)
<name>Position Vector3d Origin of the coordinate system


This element is used to define a cartesian coordinate system based on a given coordinate system in local coordinates of a given reference coordinate system.

Not yet implemented!


Attribute Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
referenceCoordinateSystem Defines the the reference coordinate system by its name. Yes
localCoordinateSystem Defines a local coordinate system which is based on the given reference coordinate system. This is is transformed into the global system. Yes

Generated trajectories

Name Type Description
<name> Matrix3d Representation of the three orthogonal orientation axes of the determined local coordinate system (columns of the matrix)
<name>Position Vector3d Origin of the coordinate system


This element defines a cartesian coordinate system based on a parent coordinate system and Denavit-Hartenberg parameters.


Attribute Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
referenceCoordinateSystem Defines the the reference coordinate system by its name. Yes
Alpha Denavit-Hartenberg parameter Yes
Theta Denavit-Hartenberg parameter Yes
D Denavit-Hartenberg parameter Yes
R Denavit-Hartenberg parameter Yes

Generated trajectories

Name Type Description
<name> Matrix3d Representation of the three orthogonal orientation axes of the determined local coordinate system (columns of the matrix)
<name>Position Vector3d Origin of the coordinate system


<ForwardKinematicDH name="BaseUR"

An alternative to use this element is to use the corresponding function:

<CoordinateSystem name="BaseUR"
                  Pose="dhm(Angle0, DH_alpha0, DH_d0, DH_r0)"/> 



Attribute Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
referenceCoordinateSystem Defines the the reference coordinate system by its name. Yes
EulerCardanAngles Formula that defines a 3-tuple e.g. vec(1.0,1.0,1.0) with a sequence of three angles Yes
rotationOrder rotation order No
Position Origin of result coordinate system Yes


A point element defines es spatial 3d point defined by coordinates of the laboratory/global system or by coordinates in a given local coordinate system. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element and the type of a 3d-Vector of double values.


Attribute Default Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
localPoint Instead of defining the point by coordinates in the laboratory/global system, it is possible to define the point by arbitrary local coordinates. The global coordinates of the point are then calculated by transforming with the given coordinate system. Note: This attribute needs the use of the attribute coordinateSystem. No
coordinateSystem Name of the coordinate system element which is used in two cases: 1. If the point is defined in local coordinates with the attribut „localPoint“ it defines the corresponding coordinate system. 2. If calibration is used, than for static trial which is defined by switches given with the attributes calibrateIncludes/calibrateExcludes the point is transformed in local coordinates of the coordinate system which is given with this element. For all other trials the local coordinates are back transformed to the global coordinates using the current value of the coordinate system defined by this attribute. No
autodetectStaticFrames false If the calibration is used but the trial is not static-only set this attribute to true to autodetect static frames. No
autodetectStaticFramesThreshold Used only in combination with the attribute autodetectStaticFrames to define a threshold. Only frames with values less than this threshold are used as static frames No

Generic Attributes

Attribute Default Description Required
referencePoint In a static trial the distance to this point is calculated as a trial mean. In no calibration trials this distance is used to translate the current position of the point to hold this fix distance. Note: This feature is not available in combination with the use of localPoint. No
noise No
noiseAmplitude No
debug No
visible No
includes A comma seperated list of switches to define for which trial the element is used. No
excludes A comma seperated list of switches to define for which trial the element is not used. No
calibrateIncludes No
calibrateExcludes No
average false Additional calculation of the trial average. The value is saved as a parameter with the name of the element and „Average“ as a suffix: <name of the element>Average, if this attribute is set to „true“. No

Deprecated attributes

Attribute Description Required
expr Mathematical formula which defnines the point. Note: Typically this attribut is not used. The formula is given as elements content instead. No
x, y, z These attributes allows an alternative definition of the point by seperate mathematical formulas for each of the three components. No


In the calibration trial defined by the switch „static“ A is calculated as B+C in coordinates of the global laboratory system. The absolute coordinates are transformed in the given local coordinate system „Thorax“. In all of the following trials A is calculated by the fixed local coordinates by transforming to global coordinates by the current attitude of the „Thorax“ coordinate system.

<Point name="A"

Calculates the point A as B+C in coordinates of the global laboratory system. If the switch „static“ is set for a trial nothing is calculated.

<Point name="A"

Calculates the point A as B+C in local coordinates and than thransform them by the coordinate system „Thorax“ in global coordinates.

<Point name="A"

Created trajectories and parameters

Name Type Condition Description
<name> Vector3d always the point values
<name>LocalPoint Vector3d if the attribute „localPoint“ is used trajectorie or parameter as defined by the formula given with the „localPoint“ attribute
<name>Local Vector3d if calibration is used
<name>ReferencePoint Vector3d if calibration is used
<name>ReferencePointDistance Vector3d only for calibration trials
<name>ReferencePointDistanceCalibrate Vector3d only for calibration trials if the reference point attribute is used distance to a given referencePoint


A <LocalPoint>-element defines es spatial 3d point defined by coordinates of a given local coordinate system. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element an the type of a 3d-Vector of double values.


Attribute Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
coordinateSystem If this attribute is set, the elements content is interpreted in global coordinates which are transformed with the given coordinate system in local coordinates. No

Note: If calibration is used: all frames of the calibration trial are averaged and a Parameter <name> is saved in the modelParamenters file. This parameter can be used directly in a formula e.g from a forward-model.

<LocalPoint name="A"


A <Vector>-element defines a 3d vector in coordinates of the laboratory global system or in coordinates of a given local coordinate system. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element and the type of a 3d vector of double values.


Attribute Default Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
localVector Instead of defining the vector by coordinates in the laboratory/global system, it is possible to define the vector by arbitrary local coordinates. The global coordinates of the vector are then calculated by transforming with the given coordinate system. Note: This attribute needs the use of the attribute coordinateSystem. No
coordinateSystem Name of the coordinate system element which is used in two cases: 1. If the point is defined in local coordinates with the attribut „localPoint“ it defines the corresponding coordinate system. 2. If calibration is used, than for static trial which is defined by switches given with the attributes calibrateIncludes/calibrateExcludes the point is transformed in local coordinates of the coordinate system which is given with this element. For all other trials the local coordinates are back transformed to the global coordinates using the current value of the coordinate system defined by this attribute. No

Note: The Parameter <name>Local is created, if calibration is used. It caontains the mean vector of the calibration trial in the coordinates of the given coordinate system.


    <Vector name="A"

In the calibration trial defined by the switch „static“ A is calculated as B+C in coordinates of the global laboratory system. The absolute coordinates are transformed in the given local coordinate system „Thorax“. In all of the following trials A is calculated by the fixed local coordinates by transforming to global coordinates by the current attitude of the „Thorax“ coordinate system.


A <LocalVector>-element defines es spatial 3d vector defined by coordinates of a given local coordinate system. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element an the type of a 3d-Vector of double values.


Attribute Default Description Required
name Name of the element Yes
coordinateSystem If this attribute is set, the elements content is intpreted in global coordinates which are transformed with the given coordinate system in local coordinates. No

Note: If calibration is used: all frames of the calibration trial are averaged and a Parameter <name> is saved in the modelParamenters file. This parameter can be used directly in a formula e.g from a forward-model.

<LocalVector name="A"


Calculation of a double trajectorie. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element and the type of double.

Attribute Default Description Required
name name of the element Yes
process Available values: stepbystep, post; The „process phase“, in which the calculations are done. stepbystep No
expr Mathematical formula defining a double. This attribute can be used instead of defining the formula as elements content.
debug false No
includes Comma seperated list of switches to define which trials are included. No
excludes Comma seperated list of swithces to define which trials are excluded. No
average (in Mean umbenennen) Additional calculation of the trial average. The value is saved as a parameter with the name of the element and „Average“ as a suffix: <name of the element>Average No
meanStd (in MeanStd umbennen) If set to true, mean average is calculated and saved in the parameter <name>MeanStd.
differentiations 0 If this attribute is set to a integer value bigger than 0, the differentiations of the trajectorie <name> are calculated in the after step by step calculation (calculateOnCompleteTrajectories())

Calculated Parameters

Parameters are calculated, if calibration is used or one or both of the flags „average“ and „meanStd“ are set to „true“:

Name Description trial parameter model parameter trajectorie Availability
<name> X
<name>Average In the case of calibration the parameters saves the average about one or more calibration trials. In a first step each trial is averaged and than these average values are averaged. X If the average=„true“ or meanStd=„true“ or if calibration is used and a calibration trial is processed
<name>Mean, <name>Mean_<Trial number> Determines a trial average. If more than one trial is in the group of trials to be processed for this elemement than the trial number is append as an suffix. X X The parameter is saved in the trial if there is no calibration. If calibration is used the parameter is saved in the sessions parameter file.
<name>MeanStd If mean std determination is switched on (meanStd=„true“) the calculated values is saved X


<Real name="A">B+C</Real>


Calculation of a 3×3 marix trajectorie. The element creates a trajectory with the name of the element and the type of Matrix3x3.

Attribute Default Description Required
name name of the element Yes
q0 „w“-value of a quaternion to define the matrix elements No
q1 „q1“-value of a quaternion to define the matrix elements No
q2 „q2“-value of a quaternion to define the matrix elements No
q3 „q3“-value of a quaternion to define the matrix elements No
x columnvector defining the x-direction of the of a coordinate system, corresponding to the first column of the matrix No
y columnvector defining the y-direction of the of a coordinate system, corresponding to the first column of the matrix No
z columnvector defining the z-direction of the of a coordinate system, corresponding to the first column of the matrix No
process Planed values: stepbystep, post; The „process phase“, in which the calculations are done. stepbystep. Not yet implemented No
noiseAmplitude Not yet implemented. No
expr (deprecated) Mathematical formula defining a double. This attribute can be used instead of defining the formula as elements content.
debug false No
includes Comma seperated list of switches to define which trials are included. No
excludes Comma seperated list of swithces to define which trials are excluded. No
calibrateIncludes Not yet implemented. No
calibrateExcludes Not yet implemented. No
average (in Mean umbenennen) Additional calculation of the trial average. The value is saved as a parameter with the name of the element and „Average“ as a suffix: <name of the element>Average No
meanStd (in MeanStd umbennen)
m<ij> with i,j=0,1,2; e.g. m00, m01, … defining all 9 matrix elements seperately No
localMatrix Not yet implemented. The idea is that the given local matrix is tranformed into the given coordinate system. No
coordinateSystem Not yet implemented. The be used in combination with the localMatrix attribute. The given matrix is transformed into the given coordinate system. No

Mean and Standard Deviation

A <MeanStd> element determines mean and std of a mathematical formula over all frames of all trials defined by includes/includes.


A <Parameter>-element calculates time distance parameters for each trial.


Attribute Default Description Required
name name of the element Yes
mathType real Possible values are real and 3d. The existence of this attribute is a workaround because automatic detection of the mathtype is not yet available. No
process stepbystep pre or post No


    <Parameter name="ABC"


Determines rotation and translation for best fit mapping of two given point sets based on a singular value decomposition. The first pointset is defined as the elements content and the second by the attribute „PointSet“. The element implements the interface iCoordinateSystem. So the determined corresponding coordinate system can be referenced by any AoR/CoR-Calc-Element.


Least-squares fitting of two 3-d point sets.
Arun KS, Huang TS, Blostein SD
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell9p698-700(1987 May)

Specific Attributes

Attribute Description Required
phase Type name of phases to defines the frames to be used. For each phase the mean values of the two (optional only for the first one) pointset-trajectories are calculated and used as a set of points. Yes
phase2 Type name of a second set of phases to defines the frames to be used for the second timeserie. For each phase the mean values of the seconds pointset-trajectory is calculated and used as a set of points. No
PointSet Name of the trajectory to get the second point set points. The trajectorie to define the first point set is defined by the elements content. Yes
maxVariation If the values of the points of the two given pointsets inside a phase exceeds the value defined by this attribute the complete phase is excluded. No


<PointSetFit name="Vicon2UR5e"

In the case the two timeseries (TCPUR5e and TCPP) are not perfectly sychronized, especially a delay is between them the following expamples implements the usage of phases seperately defined for each timeeries. The phases are used only if in a trial the cound of phases for each of the two timeseries contains the same count.

<PointSetFit name="TCP2UR5eFit"

Created trajectories

Name Type Description
<name> Vector3d Points of the given first point set (1) transformed into the least squares fittet system based on the seconds point set (2) (defined by the attribute PointSet).
<name>PointSet Vector3d Trajectory, which defines the points of the point set 2.

Created calibration parameters

Name Type Description
<name>R Matrix3d Rotation from pointset 1 to 2.
<name>T Vector3d Translation from pointset set 1 to 2.
<name>Scale Double Scale of the transformation between the two pointsets. Seems o be always 1.0. Maybe the fit algorithms must be extended.

Remember: Calibration parameters are saved in the session parameter file and are not available to be used in formulas of further calc-elements.

Created parameters

Name Type Description
<name>Orientation Matrix3d Orientation of the coordinatesystem the points of pointset 2 are given in. The orientation is given in coordinates the points of the first pointset are given in.
<name>Origin Vector3d Origin of the coordinatesystem, the points of pointset 2 are given in. The origin is given in coordinates the points of the first pointset are given in.
modellingcomponents/elements/kinematics.1617175004.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/03/31 09:16 von oliver

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